Weekly Liturgy Schedule

Before coming to Divine Liturgy, please check schedule for the current week in our online parish bulletin.

Tuesday and Thursday-  DIVINE LITURGY at 5:00 PM

Wednesday and Friday – DIVINE LITURGY at 8:00 AM

Saturday –  DIVINE LITURGY 5:00 PM (Vigil)

Sunday – DIVINE LITURGIES 9:00 AM English, 10:30 AM Ukrainian

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available 30 minutes before every Liturgy and also upon request.

Note: On holidays and during Great Lent there may be changes to the Liturgy schedule. Please call the office to hear the Liturgy schedule for the holiday week (770) 760-1111 or check our  online bulletin.

Except on the 13th of each month, when the Pilgrim Divine Liturgy is at 2:00 pm

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